ICoRSA will be the lead D&C partner and WP leader in WP7 in H2Heat. ICoRSA brings D&C expertise from being lead D&C partner in OPUS project, as well as designing the RRING, GRRIP and MUSICA websites.
ICoRSA is an umbrella organisation for researchers and research staff associations consisting of and representing the interests of a variety of associations and organisations that in themselves represent the interests of their members.
ICoRSA represents early stage researchers, post-docs to senior researchers. Based on extensive experience from previous and current projects, ICoRSA is also an expert for RRI, Open Science and Dissemination and Communication. ICoRSA is currently a partner in 5 HE projects: MUSICA, GRRIP, OPUS, RAISE and SECURE. ICoRSA has a dedicated team to Dissemination and Communication.
ICoRSA are in many EU funded SSH projects e.g. RRING, GRRIP, OPUS, SECURE. |