SPLP Lviv Polytechnic National University is a university with more than two hundred years of traditions, which has gained international recognition and has a well-recognized brand. Our educational and scientific achievements in various fields of science are based on the synergy of engineering, natural, economic and socio-humanitarian schools.
SPLP are oriented towards creating tangible outputs like technological items, and not just models and theories and have at least two successful projects in the field:
- Electrolyzer with a solid polymer electrolyte with high efficiency of electrolysis of water to obtain pure hydrogen and oxygen without using chemicals.
- Development of a hydrogen purification system for automotive internal combustion engines
SPLP launched a dedicated “Hydrogen Technology Center” (the first in Ukraine) early in 2022 – https://lpnu.ua/en/news/hydrogen-technology-center-new-platform-scientific-activities-and-commercialization-scientific
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